Mastering Microsoft Office Access 2007
Written by YU53P on 09:01eBOOK Details
Publisher Sams
Release Date May 31 2007
ISBN 0672329328
eBOOK Descriptions
Microsoft Office 2007 is a major upgrade from the last version of Office; Access will also be greatly revised. Alison Balter is the name that Access developers will trust to guide them through Access 2007 new features. She has the rare ability to take complex topics and explain them clearly, as shown by the success of her ten previous ebooks on Access. Balter is known for providing real-world solutions to specific Access development problems. She also is known for her ability to back up her practical examples with just enough underlying theory to give the reader a good overall understanding of Access. In short, this free ebook will provide beginning and intermediate Access developers with everything that they need to know to design and build Access 2007 applications. It should also appeal to DBAs and power users who want or need to get started building custom Access apps. This latest free ebook in her Mastering Access series will not disappoint her many fans who anxiously await each new version, and should win her new fans as well.
hope you enjoy this free ebook.
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