AutoCAD 2006 VBA: A Programmer's Reference
Written by YU53P on 08:36eBOOK Details
Publisher Apress
Release Date September 21, 2005
ISBN 1590595793
eBOOK Descriptions
This free ebook is a reference guide for AutoCAD programmers, and it’s primarily designed to explain and demonstrate the features of AutoCAD 2006. As such, this isn’t a beginner’s guide; however, if you’ve programmed in any language that can interface with other COM objects, you should be able to easily understand and use this free ebook. In particular, the free ebook is aimed at programmers who use AutoCAD for daily tasks and can see the benefits of customizing and automating these tasks. I present programming techniques needed to create and modify AutoCAD drawings, customize preferences, query and set system variables, and so on, using the built-in VBA. You can customize AutoCAD to any degree of sophistication. If you can think it up, then I bet you can use AutoCAD VBA and this free ebook to help you achieve your goal.
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3 komentar: Responses to “ AutoCAD 2006 VBA: A Programmer's Reference ”
By Anonymous on 22:46
wow! exactly what i need! thanks a lot!
By Pedro on 06:47
thanks a lot for the VBA for Autocad free ebook guys ;)
By Sam on 15:00
hello !!!