Microsoft Office Access 2007 Forms, Reports, and Queries
Written by YU53P on 21:33eBOOK Details
Publisher Que
Release Date 01 May 2007
ISBN 0789736691
eBOOK Description
“Everything you need to master Access 2007 forms, reports, and queries.” –Charles Carr, Reviews Editor, ComputorEdge Magazine
- Create Forms for Business
- Ensure Data Entry Accuracy
- Build Elegant Form Interfaces
- Collect Data Via Email
- Design Effective Business Reports
- Make an Invoice Report
- Create Mailing Labels
- Extract Data
- Work with Multiple Tables
- Calculate Discounts
- Analyze Data
Develop your Microsoft Access expertise instantly with proven techniques
Let’s face it: Microsoft Access is a large, intimidating program. Most people never progress beyond creating simple tables and using wizards to build basic forms and reports. At the same time, you need information and you know that what you seek is embedded somewhere in your Access database. Without a more sophisticated knowledge of how to extract and present that data, you’re forced to rely on office gurus and overworked IT people to provide canned reports or one-size-fits-all solutions.
- This free ebook changes all that by giving you the skills to build efficient front-ends for data (forms), publish the results in an attractive and easy-to-read format (reports), and extract the data you need (queries). This free ebook shuns the big Access picture and instead focuses intently on forms, reports, and queries. This in-depth approach will give you the knowledge and understanding you need to get at the data and prove the old saw that knowledge is power.
- Focuses on the three technologies that you must master to get the most out of Access: forms, reports, and queries.
- Avoids database theory in favor of practical know-how that you can put to use right away.
- Packed full of real-world examples and techniques to help you learn and understand the importance of each section.
- Covers what’s new and changed in Microsoft Access 2007.
Get this free ebook now.
Download link
6 komentar: Responses to “ Microsoft Office Access 2007 Forms, Reports, and Queries ”
By Pulok on 17:12
I wanted to download the book but was not able to as the password is not working. It is showing that the password is wrong.
Kindly help me in downloading the book.
By Pulok on 17:14
Can you plz help me in downloading the book, the password provided is not correct.
Kindly help
By YU53P on 03:03
Sorry it just work for me the password is work for me.
Try again or just copy the password when you extract the file.
By Maverick on 17:04
Hi YU53P,
I tried to download it, but it is showing the same error. Can you pls mail me the file. it is very urgent.
My mail id is
By YU53P on 08:16
Ok pulok, if can enter the passwaord try this alternative link (no password required) ;
By Anonymous on 07:31
Mantab, banyak yg gratisan disini! Request eBook Access 2007 bahasa indonesia donk!