DOWNLOAD eBOOK Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed
Written by YU53P on 17:30eBOOK Details
Publisher Sams
Release Date April 20, 2007
ISBN 0672328925
eBOOK Descriptions
This Free ebook is dedicated to helping administrators who manage networks of all sizes. The core audience is Linux system administrators for small-to-medium businesses all the way up to large corporations. The concepts explained in this free ebook can be scaled for a few hundred or a few thousand systems . Other intended readers include decision makers interested in an overview of Red Hat’s enterprise offerings and anyone curious about what Linux can do. Use this free ebook as a concise reference for all the administration tools available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Knowing what tools and resources are available is half the battle of becoming an efficient, flexible system administrator. This free ebook saves administrators time by giving them the foundation they need to learn more details about a particular concept or application as well as assists them in delivering their IT solutions.
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