Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Visual Basic for Applications Step by Step
Written by YU53P on 20:23eBOOK Details
Publisher Microsoft Press
Release Date May 16, 2007
ISBN 073562402X
eBOOK Descriptions
This free ebook has been designed to lead you step by step through all the tasks you are most likely to want to perform when creating macros in Microsoft Office Excel 2007. If you start at the beginning and work your way through all the exercises, you will gain enough proficiency to be able to perform many types of tasks by using macros. Each topic is self contained, but later chapters do assume that you know the information presented in earlier chapters. If you have worked with a previous version of Excel, or if you completed all the exercises and later need help remembering how to perform a procedure, the following features of this free ebook will help you look up specific tasks related to Excel 2007 macros:
- Detailed table of contents. Look up the topic you want in the list of the topics and sidebars within each chapter.
- Chapter thumb tabs. Easily locate the beginning of the chapter you want.
- Topic-specific running heads. Within a chapter, quickly locate the topic you want by looking at the running head of odd-numbered pages.
- Detailed index. Look up specific tasks and features and general concepts in the index, which has been carefully crafted with the reader in mind.
- Companion CD. Find the practice files needed for the step-by-step exercises, as well as a fully searchable electronic version of this book and other useful resources.
If you are new to Excel 2007, you might not have had much time to explore the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface, which was introduced with the 2007 Microsoft Office system. The step-by-step instructions in this free ebook often tell you to click buttons on the Office Fluent Ribbon, identifying the tab to click and the group in which the button is located. You should have no difficulty following these instructions.
You can save time when you use this free ebook by understanding how the Step by Step series shows special instructions, keys to press, buttons to click, and so on.
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By Anonymous on 22:29
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eBOOK Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Visual Basic for Applications Step by Step