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C++/CLI in Action

Written by YU53P on 18:01

eBOOK Details

Publisher Manning Publications
Release Date April 11, 2007
ISBN 1932394818

eBOOK Description

C++ is the language of choice for thousands of applications and millions of lines of code. With C++/CLI, developers can integrate existing C++ code into the .NET platform without rewriting their applications. This book explores the C++/CLI syntax, teaches how to mix native C++ and managed .NET code, and shows how to integrate C++ with Windows Forms, WPF (Avalon), and WCF (Indigo).

Imagine taking a C++-based program you've been using for a decade and giving it a snazzy new interface using Windows Presentation Foundation. How about making your old business applications talk to your new ones using Windows Communication Foundation. C++/CLI makes this--and more--possible. C++/CLI in Action shows you how to bridge the gap between your existing C++ code and the .NET platform. C++/CLI in Action will help you if:
  • You're hesitant to migrate to .NET because it means rewriting code in C# or VB.
  • You have significant C++ expertise that you want to leverage in the .NET.
  • You only need to use pieces of the .NET framework, such as Windows Forms or web services.
There's no fluff here. Designed for readers who already know C++, this book starts by teaching the unique aspects of the C++/CLI language. After a quick tour through the basics, readers work through examples of integrating standard C++ into the .NET-based applications and building programs that mix C++ and .NET code for maximum performance and efficiency.

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