DOWNLOAD eBOOK Photoshop CS3 for Screen Printers
Written by YU53P on 12:55eBOOK Details
Publisher Wordware Publishing
Release Date November 25, 2007
ISBN 1598220365
eBOOK Description
Photoshop CS3 for Screen Printers details the features of Photoshop CS3 and is geared toward print facilities, mainly screen printers and similar types of graphic artists. Features important to these industries include creating a personalized interface, acquiring images from clients' disks, acquiring images by scanning existing artwork, importing and exporting images, and creating new images. Color separations also play a big role in these industries, as does printing on specialty films and papers. The Photoshop interface is also discussed, including the toolbox, the palettes, the menu and options bars, and the Adobe Bridge. Additionally, the finer points of printing are detailed, including adding and using crop marks, registration marks, and captions, and producing four-color separations.
2 komentar: Responses to “ DOWNLOAD eBOOK Photoshop CS3 for Screen Printers ”
By Anonymous on 11:16
Unusable. Zip file b-352c04 is lacking/missing. Please complete to make it worthwhile, ty!
By Unknown on 20:36
Downloadnya kok error terus sih??? biar gak error caranya gimana sih? beritau donk. please!