Download Manager for Rapidshare
Written by YU53P on 20:20
The download manager has several benefits over manually downloading files from Rapidshare. The first is that you can simply add as many download links to it which will all be stored and processed one after the other. The image verification is filled in automatically by JDownloader which means that you can keep it running in the background all the time without having to actively manage the downloads.
Download links can be automatically added by making Jdownloader observe the clipboard. It offers a reconnect feature which has to be configured, an unpacker, a password list, selecting a favored server from each hoster and much more. There are several options that need some explanation though before you can start using it.
You should first realize that JDownloader needs Java, so make sure that is installed. After unpacking the application you need to execute the file JDownloader.jar to start the installation where you select a download location for the files. Files will be automatically updated during the setup as well.
Jdownloader : download here
Jdownloader : download here
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