Joomla for Dummies
Written by YU53P on 14:05As the head Web designer said, Joomla is a content management system (CMS), which means that after you set the site up, you (or your clients) are responsible only for entering text and figures. Joomla arranges the content, makes it searchable, displays it, and generally manages the Web site. You need little or no technical expertise to create and manage your own sites.
Setting up a cool site from scratch is not easy — especially if you want to keep that site updated. A person who runs a newspaper site with about 6,000 visitors a day once came to us utterly exhausted. It turned out that he was formatting his entire site from scratch, using HTML, which meant that he had to get up at five every morning to enter the news stories in HTML tables and format them for his Web site. He still had his day job (he wanted to quit, but the news site’s advertising was just ramping up) and found that he was working a total 14 hours every day.
Joomla was the answer for him. Now all he has to do is copy and paste the stories into Joomla’s Article Manager and click a few options. The stories are published — no fuss, no muss.
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